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Delivering RoI into Construction Site Workforce's Health and Wellbeing in the United States

Case Study

Record-Breaking Safety and Cost Savings at a USA Construction Site



At a major construction site in the United States, with 3,900 workers at an undercover site of over a million square feet, truly outstanding health & safety and RoI results have been achieved. This success is due to proactive and reactive measures of International SOS onsite healthcare professionals, including managing life-threatening medical issues and preventing potential recordable injuries.

The Recordable Incident Rate (RIR) of 0.03 makes the site 50 times safer than the industry average and has delivered more than $6 million in savings through the Owner Controlled Insurance Plan (OCIP).
Over the past 2.5 years, the site workforce has worked 8 million hours with only one Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recordable incident and no lost-time accidents.


International SOS’ extensive experience in the construction sector in the United States highlights the critical need for robust on-site healthcare solutions, particularly onsite health clinics (MedSites) and treatment areas. These facilities provide climate-controlled, private spaces for consultations, exams, and treatments, ensuring compliance with HIPAA and the Privacy Act of 1974.

Without an onsite health clinic, many medical incidents at a construction site would be treated offsite, leading to increased Lost Time Incidents (LTIs) and OSHA Recordables. The absence of such onsite medical capability would cause the Owner, Insurer, OCIP, and on-site medical team to lose control over case management, significantly impacting costs and productivity through higher LTIs and OSHA Recordables.


Implementing a holistic International SOS onsite medical programme, including an onsite health clinic with medical professionals, medical supplies, and response services, has proven highly beneficial for the 3,900-workforce construction site. Our highly skilled onsite medical team has delivered world-class care, resulting in only one OSHA recordable and no lost time accidents over 2.5 years.


  • Safety: Achieved 8 million man-hours with a Recordable Incident Rate (RIR) of 0.03, making the site 50 times safer than the industry average.
  • Cost Savings: Total losses are 90 times below the industry average, with 6 million USD in OCIP savings.
  • Reputational Recognition: The project has been recognised by the Department of Labor, OSHA, and local media for its safe worksite.
  • Employee Morale: Positive employee morale due to the perception that their wellbeing and mental health are prioritised.