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Case Study

Risk Mitigation Framework to Support an Amusement Park in China



International SOS provided consultancy services to one of the world’s leading leisure and entertainment companies, specifically establishing a Health, Safety and Environment Risk Mitigation Framework for their mega project in Pudong, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China (PRC).


This global leisure and entertainment company, long before opening its Leisure Resort in Pudong, Shanghai was interested in understanding the health regulatory landscape in China and the risk mitigation measures it should consider for a seamless and successful launch of one of its mega projects in-country. As such, our client was looking for a trusted healthcare partner who could guide them throughout the project lifecycle.


International SOS has long-term presence in China with medical and security experts supporting clients in various industries across the country. Initially we assigned a team of international and local health risk mitigation experts to partner with our client, both in the US as well as in China.

The first step was to conduct a broad analysis of the health regulatory landscape in China, mapped to the entire project development plan. Understanding the regulatory environment led to the need for a physical assessment of the greenfield project site to determine the health, safety and environment risks associated with different stages of the project development plan. International SOS provided specific subject matter experts who, based on their surveys, developed a set of recommendations comprising comprehensive risk control and risk mitigation measures.

As the project moved to construction phase, International SOS supported the Leisure Resort in identifying key medical providers for the management of their emergency response as well as the provision of medical and safety staff on-site. Support for on-site risk management was augmented through medical training as well as through the provision of critical medical supplies


From the moment our client conceived the idea of a Leisure Resort in Shanghai, International SOS stood beside them to facilitate services related to health, safety and the environment – all of which were important to ensure that the project met it’s defined targets. With the evolution of the project over a twelve year period, International SOS provided the confidence necessary to enable the Resort’s Executive Management to focus on their core business operations without worrying about the health and safety of their staff. They were also able to avert health risks, including those related to their customers.