In the demanding environment of offshore energy work, injuries can occur unexpectedly and require immediate medical attention. This case study follows an offshore male worker in the United States who reported acute left arm pain after lifting a heavy hinged cover during a routine inspection. With a sharp pain and a distinct popping sound, the situation demanded a rapid and effective medical response.
While performing his duty at a remote offshore Oil and Gas site in the United States, a male worker felt a sharp pain and a popping sound in his left arm. Unaware of the extent of his injury, he immediately visited the International SOS medical professional onboard for the injury assessment.
The International SOS onboard medical professionals quickly assessed the patient, providing stabilisation and pain management. They got in touch with the medical team of the Response Center located in Baton Rouge, who recommended emergency disembarkation and facilitated MRI diagnostics in Houma, LA.
The onshore medical provider diagnosed a complete rupture of the biceps tendon. Utilising its extended vetted provider network the Response Center medical team arranged for an urgent orthopedic evaluation, leading to successful tendon repair surgery at the Surgery Center in Thibodaux, LA. The patient was discharged with follow-up instructions, and physiotherapy appointments were scheduled to monitor recovery.
Subsequent visits included stitch removal and a final assessment by the orthopaedic surgeon, who confirmed full recovery. The Response Center also organised a Fitness to Return to Duty assessment with an Occupational Health Medicine specialist.
No delays in access to appropriate level of healthcare; Positive health impact; Swift return-to-work.
The patient returned to full duty, showcasing the effectiveness of our medical services offshore and onshore case monitoring and management. This case exemplifies the critical role of the International SOS in the United States in ensuring the health and safety of offshore workers in avoiding unnecessary delays and accessing appropriate level of health care through efficient and timely case, management leading to successful return to work as soon as medically permitted.